This issue is very rare and usually related to an account-specific problem.
If you encounter this issue, don't worry — our support team will handle it quickly. Please let us know by using the "Contact us" option in the Settings menu within the Nebula app.
To access the Settings menu:
- Go to the Horoscope tab.
- Click the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Select "Contact us", and submit your request.
This process also provides us with details about your device, which will help in resolving your issue faster.
To expedite the resolution, please provide:
- A description of the problem.
- Screenshots of today’s transactions (to compare your credits balance).
- The actions you performed before the issue occurred (especially if you noticed strange behavior).
Once we receive this information, we will investigate, credit any missed amounts, and may offer a bonus for the inconvenience if the problem was due to our system.
We look forward to helping you enjoy our services without disruption!